
What's So Special About Conscious Health Meditation (and the REST Technique™)?
Forget the meditation stereotypes! Our philosophy about meditation is simple: it should be easy to do and quickly give you life-changing benefits. The technique for Conscious Health Meditation and the REST Technique is the same, with some minor differences to adapt to the learning format. All of courses use an effortless technique that does not require any focus, concentration or clearing of the mind. The technique triggers a physiologic effect in the brain and body.
Reconciling Racism with the Vedic World View
The underlying premise of the Vedic world view, one which I espouse whole-heartedly, is that we are all one thing, which is pure consciousness. Love. We are all unique, individual expressions of the same ONE thing, just like my pinky looks different and has a different function from my ear, but they are absolutely both a part of me.
My struggle with this world view is that this oneness is not the day-to-day experience of everyone in the world. A lot of people have it really, really bad in this world, to a point where they can’t even conceive of ‘it’s all one thing’. In other words, I can afford to have this world view because I’m white, educated, and was raised in a healthy, well-to-do family. Yes, I’ve worked hard, but I’ve also been given unfathomable opportunities- large ones, and daily micro-opportunities- just by virtue of being born into this body.