All Offerings
Dr. Jill is a board-certified physician, EFT/tapping practitioner, anti-racism educator, trauma specialist, and certified meditation teacher. Through her coaching and consulting, and using tools such as EFT/tapping, anti-oppression and anti-racism education, and meditation, she offers trauma-informed healing, empowerment, and advocacy programs for both individuals and organizations. She offers virtual, in-person, and online programs to meet each person and organization exactly where they are.
Keep reading to learn about each of Jill’s offerings, and you’ll also find links to go more in-depth on each program.
You can also learn about Jill’s programs designed for individuals and organizations.
EFT/Tapping for Burnout, Self-Doubt, and More
Learning the EFT/tapping technique can be a transformative experience for you and your team, as well as others you share the technique with – think patients, coworkers and even your own family. Tapping with Jill has given her clients the tools and courage to navigate challenges in their lives, from quitting smoking to improving anxiety, grappling with divorce, healing trauma and facing life-changing medical issues.
1:1 Tapping Sessions
Heal trauma, reduce overwhelm, and navigate major life changes such as divorce and medical illness in transformative one-on-one tapping sessions with Jill, an experienced, trauma-informed practitioner. Available either through zoom or in-person (Atlanta).
Tapping for Organizations
Bring tapping to your workplace, empowering your team with an easy-to-learn, evidence-based tool to improve well-being, increase resilience in stressful environments, and build better relationships with team members. Instruction fits into a workday, is available online and in-person, and can be tailored to your needs.
Train the Trainer
(CME Accredited)
Learn how to formally teach students, colleagues, and others the basics of tapping to manage stress, pain, burnout, and difficult emotions, and take your own tapping practice even deeper with this CME-accredited training!
The Wellness Tap
Access a jam-packed library of tapping resources to improve anxiety, navigate change, and more – all on your own schedule and with zero commitment – with this low-cost monthly membership.
Online Tapping Courses
Learn to practice tapping on your own and apply it to situations like burnout and even menopause – easily and from the comfort of your home – with Jill’s online courses.
Free Group Tapping Session
Jill frequently hosts free, virtual group tapping sessions to spread awareness of this transformative practice and to help individuals navigate common stressors and current events. Keep an eye out for upcoming sessions on her calendar.
“The training was absolutely amazing. Jill answered all of our questions very well and was very patient with us. The guidance documents that she provided us were super helpful and will continue to help me as I go deeper into the practice. After the training, I feel confident in tapping and helping others to learn how to tap. And I am also grateful that Jill was very explicit in helping us to understand the level at which she was teaching us, and what kinds of topics/issues that may arise when we are working with people that we should not try to handle on our own at this stage of our training.”
— Esther Oyerinde, Medical Student, Atlanta, GA
"The vibrations of this tapping session keep rippling through my days. I'm still trying to understand how to balance feeling emotions in a healthy way (ie not ignoring or numbing out to them, but also not being consumed/victimized by them) and this helps so much."
-Rachel M, Macon, GA
Meditation for Busy Minds, Stressful Times, and More
Learning to meditate doesn’t have to be an uphill battle to stay still, turn off your mind, and find serenity. With Jill’s methods, you can show up as you are, wherever you are… and you will never have to clear your mind of thoughts! Instead, you’ll find serenity is already inside you, waiting to be discovered. Jill’s clients have been able to reduce stress and anxiety, improve their focus and resilience, increase their patience at work and with loved ones, be more present in their lives, improve sleep, and more.
Meditation for Doctors and Healthcare Heroes: A Guide to the REST Technique
Learn to meditate with a CME-accredited online course designed specifically for healthcare professionals and the daily stressors and challenges you experience.
Women in Healthcare Meditation Retreat
Join Dr. Jill, a nationally renowned specialist in physician wellness, on this all-inclusive meditation retreat for women healthcare professionals. Attendees get access to 6.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™.
“When I heard of Dr Wener’s evidence-based, self-paced, CME-accredited meditation course specifically designed for doctors, I was intrigued. I appreciated her thoughtful, scientific approach to meditation, and I related to her story of burnout and transformation. Within two weeks of starting the course, I felt calmer, and my need for afternoon coffee diminished. I felt less reactive. My beliefs around time-scarcity (I’ll never have enough time for twice daily meditation!) were proven false, and I actually crave the pause in my day to meditate.”
-Dr. Kara Pepper, General Internal Medicine, Atlanta, GA
The REST Technique: Simple, Effective Meditation for the Busy Mind
Learn to meditate – and how to fit the practice into your busy daily life – with this self-paced online course, so you can manage stress and anxiety, be less reactive, improve energy and clarity, and more.
Private Meditation Instruction
Jill currently offers private meditation instruction, available virtually or in-person in Atlanta. For these sessions, you can work directly with Jill to learn to meditate and address specific challenges, stressors, concerns, trauma, and more. The dates/times of the course will be customized to your needs, and group size can range from 1-20 people.
"Jill is so passionate about meditation and her energy is contagious! She's an excellent teacher and has an easy-going style that makes learning fun. I meditate on the train to and from work and the results have been pretty dramatic. My anxiety and stress levels have decreased so much. I am more patient with my kids and don't get rattled by things going wrong like I used to. I was even told by my boss that I am ‘very even-keeled.’"
-A.N., User Experience Specialist, Chicago, IL
Anti-Racism Training for Accountability, Understanding,
Dismantling, and More
Anti-racism training can help individuals of all identities, as well as organizations, to recognize and understand how all forms of oppression affect their lives, the lives of those around them, their communities, and their workplaces. Dr. Jill and her training partner Dr. Maiysha Clairborne provide comprehensive coaching, training, and consulting that empowers their clients to root out racism and oppression, and create lasting, meaningful change.
Conscious Allyship Coaching
Learn practical tools that will help you take meaningful action in the most effective (and least harmful) way possible, and navigate the anxiety and discomfort that can accompany your anti-racism and anti-oppression journey, all in a compassionate, judgment-free space.
Corporate remediation programs are also available.
CME-Accredited Online Health Equity Training
Understand the way systemic racism and oppression show up in healthcare environments, navigate your own bias, and empower yourself to advocate for anti-racism and health equity in your workplace and community. Accredited for 12 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Tiered institutional and group pricing are also available.
DEI and Anti-Racism Consulting
Sustainable Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) efforts at your organization, must involve core competencies in the following areas: personal, interpersonal, systemic, and culture. Dr. Jill and Dr. Maiysha have created a comprehensive consulting, coaching, and training experience that will help you infuse anti-racism, anti-oppression and DEIB in all aspects of your operations – sustainably and authentically.
Conscious Anti-Racism Podcast
Listen to the Conscious Anti-Racism podcast to explore current, systemic, and historic issues related to racism, oppression, and more. In each episode, Dr. Jill interviews experts and advocates from multiple fields, engaging them in thoughtful discussion of topics related to social justice and anti-racism.
This training equips people of all identities with practical tools and techniques to build emotional intelligence and lean into and learn from the emotional discomfort that arises around systemic racism – on both a personal and institutional level – all within a unique didactic framework about the effects of systemic racism. Tiered institutional and group pricing are also available.
Online Anti-Racism Training
Group/Corporate Live and Virtual Conscious Anti-Racism Trainings
Experience anti-racism and anti-oppression training with Dr. Jill and Dr. Maiysha that goes beyond ‘checking the box’ to put your team at the forefront of real change. Customize your training to fit your workplace.
"Dr. Wener and Dr. Clairborne have developed a groundbreaking journey of self-discovery that confronts the deep-seated beliefs and behaviors that lead to social and racial inequality. Dr. Wener’s expertise in meditation and tapping is uniquely merged with anti-racism work to help participants change the way they interact with the world around them and prepare them to make profound changes in their consciousness and communities."
-Dr. N. Peoples, Internal Medicine, Atlanta, GA
Do you have questions?
Find more information about tapping, anti-racism work, meditation and Jill’s approach on our FAQ page.