When your ex gets married...
My ex-boyfriend got married last weekend. Just about a year after we broke up.
I found out about it a couple of months ago, in typical 2017 fashion, on Google. Some honeymoon go-fund-me page. They looked really happy and cute. That part didn’t bother me. I actually want him to find happiness.

6 common meditation misconceptions (and how Vedic meditation blows them out of the water)
"I know I should learn to meditate, but..." Hold it right there. NO more excuses! Vedic meditation isn't like other types of meditation. Read on, and leave the stereotypes at the door.

You know it’s time to learn to meditate when...
1. You are experiencing burnout at work. Work burnout occurs from a number of things, including fatigue, constant stress, and not getting meaning from your job.
6 reasons you don’t have to change your belief system (or have to have a belief system at all) to be a Vedic meditator
1. Vedic meditation works whether or not you are religious, or an atheist, or anything in between. It also works if you are tall or short, young or old, an athlete or a couch potato, gay or straight, democrat or republican. Sit comfortably for 20 minutes, twice a day, enjoy your meditations, and reap the short and long term benefits.
Leap! And don't look back.
5 years ago, I was a burned-out, stressed doctor. I felt totally powerless against the burnout. Enter Vedic meditation. I attended a free introductory class that my (soon to be) teacher held in Chicago one Sunday night. I sat there for an hour, completely mesmerized yet somehow waiting for there to be a hole in his argument that would allow me to leave without signing up for the course.