
The Most Awkward Dinner Party Ever
In my last post, I wrote about a really awkward dinner party where a well-respected priest used the N-word. In front of two 8-year-old children. If you didn’t catch it, you can read the full post here.
I then asked you 2 questions:
What emotions were you feeling in that moment as you heard the story?
What would you do in that moment?
I am floored by all the responses I got from this post. From people of all races. Clearly it hit a nerve, and clearly a lot of people could relate to this situation.

A Priest and a Meditation Teacher and a Dinner Party
Last fall, I was at a friend’s family dinner party. At the table were several of his family’s old friends, two 8-year-olds, and a priest, who was also an old friend of the family.
Midway through dinner, the (white) priest started to recount a story from his days fighting in the Civil Rights movement. He was marching with a few women of color in a rally, and someone on the sidelines started yelling hateful racial slurs at them. The priest, in recounting this story, used the exact language that was yelled at him and the women of color, including the full N-word.