All cooped up and needing something to read? I got your back.
Reading in the time of coronavirus… Does anyone have the mental energy to read?
We all handle pandemics in different ways (did you EVER think you’d read those words?), and sometimes the way we are handling it changes from minute to minute!
I’ve curated a list of my favorite spiritual books just for you, with links right to the amazon page (I’m not getting any kickbacks!). Some of them are directly related to the type of meditation that I teach, some are more general personal growth books, and some might not (at first glance) seem to be spiritual. But I define spiritual as anything that expands your consciousness and the way you see the world, so (for me) that includes topics such as anti-racism and feminism.

What's So Special About Conscious Health Meditation (and the REST Technique™)?
Forget the meditation stereotypes! Our philosophy about meditation is simple: it should be easy to do and quickly give you life-changing benefits. The technique for Conscious Health Meditation and the REST Technique is the same, with some minor differences to adapt to the learning format. All of courses use an effortless technique that does not require any focus, concentration or clearing of the mind. The technique triggers a physiologic effect in the brain and body.

What Are The Benefits of Meditation
I teach meditation to both healthcare professionals and regular people just like you. The type of meditation that I teach (online is called The REST Technique, in person is called Conscious Health Meditation) has so. many. benefits.
Personally, here are some of the benefits that I’ve experienced:

I’m a meditation teacher, and I’m addicted to my phone
There, I said it. I’m addicted to my phone.
2 weekends ago, I judged my nephew for having his nose in his phone 24h a day during his visit to Atlanta.
Last weekend, I judged my friend for having her nose in her phone when we were trying to have a conversation during a girls’ getaway weekend.
But I’m just as bad as them, if not worse. I should know better- I’m a meditation teacher!

You're Almost There- Don't Stop Now!
You can finally learn how to confidently speak up against racism, confront biases and privilege, and contribute to the movement for social justice in a way that serves the people that need it most! And you can do so in a safe, productive environment, where you are given the space to do the necessary work to look within and make real change.

The Scariest Thing I Almost Didn't Do
Do you feel overwhelmed by increasing levels of racial tension and anti-immigrant sentiment in our country?
Do you feel discouraged by a sense that our country is more divided than united?
Are you frustrated because you want to do something about it, but don’t know where to start?
That’s how I felt back in 2016, and that feeling, plus my friend’s comment about my privileged blog post, got me started on a journey of self-exploration and accountability for my role in our racist society. I signed up for a retreat for white people to learn about anti-racism. I initially was excited, but as the retreat approached, I got scared. I didn’t want to go.

An Unlikely End to Getting Pulled Over On A Roadtrip
I’ll share another story with you. It’s embarrassing, so please be kind. In July of 2014, I was on a road trip, and I got inspired to write a book about places to find healthy food on the road. Somewhere in rural Illinois, I saw a billboard for an incredible farmer’s market. I didn’t want to use my phone to type, so I used the voice dictation function on the phone so I could minimize my distraction.
At that exact moment, I happened to drive by a cop, and I got pulled over for using my phone while driving.

The Most Awkward Dinner Party Ever
In my last post, I wrote about a really awkward dinner party where a well-respected priest used the N-word. In front of two 8-year-old children. If you didn’t catch it, you can read the full post here.
I then asked you 2 questions:
What emotions were you feeling in that moment as you heard the story?
What would you do in that moment?
I am floored by all the responses I got from this post. From people of all races. Clearly it hit a nerve, and clearly a lot of people could relate to this situation.

A Priest and a Meditation Teacher and a Dinner Party
Last fall, I was at a friend’s family dinner party. At the table were several of his family’s old friends, two 8-year-olds, and a priest, who was also an old friend of the family.
Midway through dinner, the (white) priest started to recount a story from his days fighting in the Civil Rights movement. He was marching with a few women of color in a rally, and someone on the sidelines started yelling hateful racial slurs at them. The priest, in recounting this story, used the exact language that was yelled at him and the women of color, including the full N-word.

My Favorite Self-Help Tool: Defensiveness
If you could choose any emotion to feel for the rest of your life, what would it be? Happiness? Peace? Contentedness? Excitement? Compassion? Those are all great. But for me:
I choose defensiveness.
What the…?
I love getting defensive. I’m not kidding. I can’t get enough.