
You’re not broken (and you don’t need to be ‘fixed’)
Tapping Posts, 2024 Jill Wener Tapping Posts, 2024 Jill Wener

You’re not broken (and you don’t need to be ‘fixed’)

As a trauma-informed tapping practitioner, one of my deepest values is that each of us is enough, exactly as we are. While we may do work to improve things in our lives and heal from trauma, we aren’t ‘broken’, and we don’t need to be ‘fixed’. Watch as I demonstrate how to tap through the self-limiting belief of thinking that we’re broken. One of the things you’ll want to do is include that belief in your set-up statement.

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The Surprising Place I Found Hope
Insights and Activism, 2024 Jill Wener Insights and Activism, 2024 Jill Wener

The Surprising Place I Found Hope

It was an example of how observance of Jewish rituals can exist, and even thrive, without being tied, in any way, to the state of Israel. There was laughter, tears, community, prayer, solemnity, and lightheartedness. There was a commitment to collective liberation. There was an honoring of all people's humanity, not just the people who look and sound like me. It felt, to me, what religion should feel like.

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Tapping for burnout in healthcare
2024, Tapping Posts Jill Wener 2024, Tapping Posts Jill Wener

Tapping for burnout in healthcare

Trying to take good care of patients when you’re burned out is one of the most draining, difficult things to do. It can lead to serious mental health issues, and it can also lead to worse outcomes for patients. Because burnout can bring a complex mix of emotions, watch as I demonstrate a technique that can be helpful to process burnout that’s different from how we usually approach tapping- you can focus on the physical sensations of the exhaustion and burnout, rather the emotions themselves. 

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Caregiver Burnout
2024, Tapping Posts Jill Wener 2024, Tapping Posts Jill Wener

Caregiver Burnout

In these situations of caregiver burnout, it is so important to allow multiple conflicting feelings to be present- and valid- at the same time, even if they seem to be contradicting each other. Watch as I share some trauma-informed techniques that I use as a tapping practitioner when I work with clients who are caregivers. 

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